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Website development company in Patna-weboindia
Website development company in Patna-weboindia
Website development company in Patna-weboindia

Are you an Indian author looking to promote your book and build your author platform? Look no further than Weboindia.

Contact Us

We’ll be in touch with you shortly to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific needs and goals.

Authors Leads

Our experienced PR professionals will work closely with you to develop a customized strategy that fits your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re a first-time author or a seasoned veteran, we can help you get your book in front of the right people at the right time.

Our team has a deep understanding of the publishing industry and the media landscape, and we know what it takes to get your book the attention it deserves. Whether you’re looking to reach a general audience or a specific niche market, we can help you connect with readers and build buzz around your book.

Don’t let your book get lost in the crowd. With our PR services, you can give your book the boost it needs to succeed. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward promoting your book.



What Weboindia can do for You?

Media Relations

Our media relations services involve identifying and targeting key publications and media outlets that are relevant to your book and audience. We will then work to secure reviews, interviews, and feature articles in these outlets, increasing visibility and credibility for your book.

Online Promotion

Online Promotion

We'll help you create a strong online presence and reach potential readers through social media, blogs, and other online platforms. This can include creating and managing social media accounts, identifying and reaching out to key bloggers and influencers in your genre or topic.

Event Coordination

Event Coordination

We can help you plan and organize book signing events, book launches, and other promotional activities in an affordable price. We can help you plan and execute these events, from finding the perfect venue to coordinating with media, youtubers and creating promotional materials.

Book Reviewers

We'll work with you to create a compelling pitch that highlights the unique elements of your book and why it would be of interest to the influencer's audience. We'll help you plan and execute promotions, such as book giveaways or Instagram takeovers, that will help your book gain visibility and attract new readers.


Most frequent questions

Rahul Verma Global Digital Pvt. Ltd.

“To be honest, If there’s an issue and we need a resolution, they’re always calm and roll up their sleeves to solve any issues.”

Russel Hall Sensor Technology Company

Weboindia was patient and helpful, and they did a great job developing the apps. The team was also communicative, flexible, and organized, and they were great at following up with the client. Additionally, they cared about the project, and they took responsibility for their work.

Susan Bishop Head of Product, Newsteller.ek

Weboindia has played an instrumental role in the product’s development and become an integrated part of the in-house team along the way. They provide access to a variety of skilled resources who come on board as needed. The team takes ownership of their work and strives for continuous improvemen

Jhone Smith Directing Manager, The Origin AG

"Weboindia has been down to earth, approaching everything humbly."

Russel Hall PR Head, Netsoft Pvt. Ltd.

“They’re truly invested in our project, so we call them our partners. They believe in what we’re trying to accomplish.”

Susan Bishop CEO, Agricultural Tech Company

"Weboindia provides better communication than other agencies which help us to develop new projects very easily."

Weboindia is trusted by several industry-leading companies and insure you for their best services

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